13/02/2009: The EU establishes a strategy for the protection of the rights of children on its territory, through its internal and external policies. In that respect, MEP Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou MEP (EPP-ED,GR), Chairwoman of the Intergroup on 'Family and Protection of Childhood', asked the Commission what its efforts have achieved so far, whether there is recognition at European level of the rights of the unborn child - healthy or disabled, and how they are implemented.
In a written answer, the Commission declared that "since the adoption of the 2006 Communication 'Towards a Strategy on the rights of the child', the Commission has committed itself to undertake concrete actions in view of combating any form of violation of children's rights. The Commission foresees to present a new strategy on the rights of the child for the period 2010 - 2014. To this end, a public consultation is ongoing.
European action is focused on the inclusion of children's rights in all policies, but also on the consideration of these same rights when undertaking concrete actions, within the framework of EU's competences.
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights guarantees the principle of inviolability of Human dignity. It is up to each Member to determine the pertinence of the application of this principle to the unborn child.The determination of whether the principle of inviolability of human dignity comprises the embryo or not as well as the determination of the legal personality of the embryo lies within the competences of the Member States.
The EU has no competence on this issue" concluded the European Commission.

For further information:
Tel: +32-2-2847447, Fax: +32-2-2849447
E-mail: marie.panayotopoulos-cassiotou@europarl.europa.eu