Brussels, 11/09/2008:
Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou (EPP-ED), MEP from Greece, has been shortlisted by The Parliament Magazine, together with two other MEPs, to represent the Employment & social affairs category, for the quality of his work over the past year:

Marie Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou (EPP-ED), Greece: A former academic researcher and senior education supervisor, Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou was awarded the order of the silver cross by the German president in 1994. A graduate in Greek and French literature, she is a member of parliament’s employment and social affairs committee and of the committee on women’s rights and gender equality. The 56-year-old has been MEP since 2004 and is author of a 2008 report on the situation of women in prisons. In 2007, she was rapporteur on a regulatory framework for measures enabling young women to combine family life with a period of study.


26/09/2008: During its plenary session in June, the European Parliament adopted a report on establishing the year 2010 as the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.
Greek MEP Marie Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou, draftswoman of the report, has expressed her high satisfaction following the Council's final decision ratifying the EP's decision. Following this positive outcome, a Declaration by the European Commission has been inserted in the final text. This Declaration is essential to the accomplishment of the report's objectives.
"The Commission attaches the greatest importance to facilitating and supporting wide participation at all levels in activities connected with the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion as a practical means of ensuring that its impact is positive and lasting.In accordance with the Decision on the European Year, the Commission will draw up common guidelines in the Strategic Framework Document (SFD) which will set the key priorities for the implementation of activities relating to the European Year, including minimum standards in terms of participation in national bodies and actions.
The SFD is addressed to the National Implementing Bodies (NIBs) responsible for defining the national programmes for the European Year and for selecting individual actions to be proposed for Community funding, and to other actors concerned. In this context, the Commission will underline the importance of facilitating access by all NGOs, including small and medium-sized organisations. With a view to ensuring the widest possible access, the NIBs can decide not to request any co-financing and instead to fully fund certain actions".
According to Mrs Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou's report, the EU's contribution to the activities amounting to €17m shall be reinforced by the contribution of national executive bodies in view of the creation of preventive structures against poverty and marginalisation and launching of efficient projects on crisis management.
"In this European framework, the Greek Government's actions aiming at establishing measures protecting poor households, improving living conditions and education and creating the fund against poverty are very interesting examples", noted Mrs Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou.
The French Presidency has declared that combating poverty is a priority, as it is particularly attached in guaranteeing fair living conditions, social inclusion of fragile groups, but also access to social services to all European citizens


15/09/2008: The draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2009 was adopted unanimously, by the 'Women's rights and gender equality committee of the European Parliament.

The adopted amendments tabled by Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou (GR, EPP-ED), refer to:

• The horizontal application to the entire PROGRESS programme (employment, social protection and social inclusion, working conditions, non-discrimination and diversity) of the principle of equality between women and men.

• The evaluation by the European Commission of the budget for human resources responsible for the evaluation of projects in the framework of the Daphne III programme (Fight against violence), in order to increase its efficiency.

• An increased use of the Structural Funds by Member States, in the framework of the European Social Fund, and a more balanced distribution of the budget lines as a means to promote equality between women and men.

Particularly concerned about the situation of children and adults suffering from 'dys' disorders and disabilities, the Greek MEP successfully maintained within the text the relevant budgetary lines for development of European policies assisting these groups, especially in view of a financial mechanism for children suffering from 'dys' disorder and disabilities, and their parents.

Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou's achievement was to usefully change the initial text in various fields such as intergenerational solidarity, men's input in the education of children, conciliation between family life and professional life and the acknowledgement of women's informal labour in view of putting forward its economic value.

The members of the women's rights committee adopted a pilot project presented by Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou. The project aims at implementing funding in order to guarantee the promotion of a better support to the educators and parents of 'dys' individuals, in respect of the principle of equality between women and men.
In that perspective, the pilot project underlines the necessity to raise awareness about the persistent inequalities between 'dys' individuals, on the discrimination towards carers and families, and the need to inform society on 'dys' problems.
Moreover, it highlights the importance of the exchange of good practices and the promotion of cooperation between organisations active in the area of 'dys' problems.

For further information:
Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou MEP
Tel: +32-2-2847447 Fax: +32-2-2849447

Notes to Editors:
The EPP-ED Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 288 Members from all 27 Member States.


05/09/2008: The Intergroup on Family and Protection of Childhood of the European Parliament, under the Presidency of Greek MEP Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, with the active collaboration of the Vice-Chairman José Ribeiro e Castro MEP, and the friendly support of the Intergroup on SMEs, convened during the plenary session in Brussels, on Thursday 4 September 2008, in order to discuss the revision of the Directive 88/378/CEE concerning bringing together Member States' laws relating to the safety of toys.

Among the speakers, Mrs Van Rijn, General-Secretary of ORNES (the Dutch Toys Supplier Organisation) and the Foundation 'SpeelGoed' (Netherlands) underlined the importance of play in the education of the child, offering a pedagogical vision to the meeting. Playing allows the child to develop its behaviour, its skills and to forge its personality. It is thus essential that toys are safe and well secure so that the child uses them with a maximum of protection.

Maureen Logghe, Policy Officer for 'Toys Safety Legislation' within the DG Entreprise of the European Commission, presented the Commission's proposal which reinforces not only the safety requirements of the toys but also the obligation to monitor the markets, the manufacturers and the suppliers. It is thus within this framework that a draft report was tabled by the Belgian MEP Marianne Thyssen within the Interior Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) of the EP.
From his side, Daryl Srivens, member of the 'Toys Industries of Europe', presented the view of the industry relating to toy safety, approving the Commission's approach with regards to dangerous substances, while explaining the increasing constraints which this sector faces.

The debate which followed emphasised the position of the Members of the IMCO Committee as well as the vision of the family and consumer protection organisations. Critics arose against the CE marking, which is obligatory and must be visible on packing but often leads to confusion because it is not provided by an independent organisation but by the manufacturers themselves. Moreover, the question of the manufacturer's responsibility was raised in case of accident caused by a toy, thus leaving the problem of census of children's accidents within the European Union outstanding.

In conclusion, Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou declared: "Considering the fact that toys represent an important part of the child's education and contribute to a smooth evolution of their behaviour and character, it is essential that the existing security standards are respected in order to guarantee children's protection". The deputy wished that the European Toy Market, including imported toys, will give an example of security standards on a worldwide scale.