26/09/2008: During its plenary session in June, the European Parliament adopted a report on establishing the year 2010 as the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.
Greek MEP Marie Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou, draftswoman of the report, has expressed her high satisfaction following the Council's final decision ratifying the EP's decision. Following this positive outcome, a Declaration by the European Commission has been inserted in the final text. This Declaration is essential to the accomplishment of the report's objectives.
"The Commission attaches the greatest importance to facilitating and supporting wide participation at all levels in activities connected with the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion as a practical means of ensuring that its impact is positive and lasting.In accordance with the Decision on the European Year, the Commission will draw up common guidelines in the Strategic Framework Document (SFD) which will set the key priorities for the implementation of activities relating to the European Year, including minimum standards in terms of participation in national bodies and actions.
The SFD is addressed to the National Implementing Bodies (NIBs) responsible for defining the national programmes for the European Year and for selecting individual actions to be proposed for Community funding, and to other actors concerned. In this context, the Commission will underline the importance of facilitating access by all NGOs, including small and medium-sized organisations. With a view to ensuring the widest possible access, the NIBs can decide not to request any co-financing and instead to fully fund certain actions".
According to Mrs Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou's report, the EU's contribution to the activities amounting to €17m shall be reinforced by the contribution of national executive bodies in view of the creation of preventive structures against poverty and marginalisation and launching of efficient projects on crisis management.
"In this European framework, the Greek Government's actions aiming at establishing measures protecting poor households, improving living conditions and education and creating the fund against poverty are very interesting examples", noted Mrs Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou.
The French Presidency has declared that combating poverty is a priority, as it is particularly attached in guaranteeing fair living conditions, social inclusion of fragile groups, but also access to social services to all European citizens