16/05/2008: The European Parliament today joined the celebrations on the occasion of the International Day of the Family in the framework of a meeting organised by Anna Záborská MEP, Chairwoman of the Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee of the European Parliament, and Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou MEP, Chairwoman of the Family and Protection of Childhood Intergroup.

Ljublica Salinger, representative of the Slovenian Ministry for the Family, Vladimír Špidla, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opporunities, Mr Linzbach from the German Ministry of the Family, Professor Dumont of the Sorbonne University, and Stéphane Buffetaut and Luca Jahier of the European Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) were among the speakers of the meeting which focused on 'family-friendly initiatives and the perspectives for the new European Alliance for the family'.

The meeting, which gathered MEPs, including the First Vice-President of the EP, Rodi Kratsa, and a great number of NGOs, highlighted the importance of the exchange of good practices in the framework of the European Alliance for the family in order to better address the new solidarity challenges resulting from demographic ageing and low birth rates.

While presenting the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency in the field of the family, the representative of the Slovenian Family Ministry recalled the necessity to establish new solidarities within the family and among the generations by ensuring gender equality and providing for sufficient care for the elderly. The conciliation of family and professional life is also particularly encouraged by the Presidency within the European Alliance for the Family. The representative of the German Ministry for the family approved the objectives set by the Slovenian Presidency and insisted on the importance of a joint commitment of the Member States which should be relayed by the Alliance. According to him, the creation of the group of experts on demography which is consulted by the Commission, the establishment of the internet portal of the Alliance as well as the numerous activities scheduled for 2008 (Demographic Forum in November, Eurobarometer study on families and children, Commission report on childcare services etc), all demonstrate the increased mobilisation of the Member States and the Commission. Mr Linzbach added that mutual learning within the Alliance encouraged Germany to provide for a parental allowance for families with low income and to extend its provision of care services.

The correlation between the amounts of social expenditure for the family, the availability of care services for children and the elderly, and birth rates was highlighted by Professor Dumont who also recalled the great diversity among the Member States in this field. In this framework, Commissioner Špidla recalled the need to create a friendly environment for the family, which remains the essential source of solidarity, by improving the living conditions of families while respecting their diversity. To this effect, the Commission will launch a reflection process on the improvement of care services for the elderly, eventually through a Communication, and will support the activities of the European Alliance through research and the use of structural funds.

Finally, Stéphane Buffetaut and Luca Jahier, ECOSOC draftsmen on the issue of demography, stressed that the efficiency of family policies relies on their durability and on the combination of family allowances, care services and tax reductions. Mr Jahier insisted more particularly on the necessity to introduce a family dimension in the new EU social agenda and to launch a discussion process both at European level, within a Family Observatory, and at national level.

"Besides being a legal, social and economic entity, the family is above all a community of love which should be valued at all times", declared Panayotopoulos and Záborská, who underlined that the celebration of the International Day of the Family is an opportunity to further promote the collaboration between the public and private actors so that the family can resume its role and that each of its members can fully enjoy their fundamental rights, their human dignity and their personal development.

For further information:
Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou MEP
Tel: +32-2-2847447
Fax: +32-2-2849447
Email: marie.panayotopoulos@europarl.europa.eu

Notes to Editors:
The EPP-ED Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 288 Members from all 27 Member States.