11/12/2007: Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou (EPP-ED, GR) spoke during the plenary meeting of the European Parliament in Strasburg, about the rise of "electronic addiction". Electronic addiction means Internet addiction.

The Member of the European Parliament underlined that the Greek nation is concerned about health conditions of children, who are being medicated for addiction on electronic media and PC games. This problem is currently much more important than the newest developments on the future of Olympic Airways, where she is going to work "in some way", to answer a Member's question from the socialist party.

The significance of this theme led to a debate about "electronic addiction" in the Committee on Research and Technology under the aegis of Mr G Sourla, 1st Vice-President of the Greek Parliament.

Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou mentioned that even if the use of new media should not be demonised, addiction due to overuse of these media can be isolating, can cause psychosomatic diseases, neglect of work and studies and can even cause violent behaviour and suicidal tendencies. The parents, encouraged by educational opportunities via the new media, invest in their upgrade and their modernisation, without being appropriately informed about the dangers behind the abuse of these.

Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou put on the record that there are practically no official legal measures that could reduce or even antagonise this form of addiction: "There are no opportunities for parents to control the period of use and the content of these media. The European Commission does not finance measures for a secure use of the Internet. In a competitive economy, imports from third countries, distribution and production of PC games and 24-hour Internet cafés are permitted. Medical research and care for counselling on addiction is practically non-existant in the European Union. Authorities are not in the position to control and reduce cyber crime."

For further information:
Tel.: +32-2-2847447 - Fax: +32-2-2849447
E-mail: marie.panayotopoulos-cassiotou@europarl.europa.eu