JADE unites and supports 20,000 students in 280 Junior Enterprises across 15 European countries and contributes to making Europe an entrepreneurial and knowledge-based economy. During the past 16 years, JADE has represented higher education students committed to fostering their entrepreneurial spirit and that of generations to come, by founding and managing Junior Enterprises selling consulting reports and other services to companies, non-profit organisations and governments. Every year, SME-like functioning non-profit organisations reinvest their earnings in the students, while providing them with valuable entrepreneurial experience and confidence in making their future projects come true.
In her opening speech, Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou underlined the importance of entrepreneurship and the development of new skills in fostering employability of young people, especially this year, 2009, which has been declared the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. She reminded that the European Parliament stands by young entrepreneurs and has undertaken actions in view of reducing the high pessimism and insecurity of young persons in the 'transition phase' from education to employment, such as the Written Declaration 33/2008 on devoting more attention to youth empowerment in EU policies.
"It goes without saying that all social actors should work closely together in order to reinforce employability, mobility and professional training of young people. It is our duty as politicians not to fail them in their hopes and yearnings by increasing their efforts", noted the Greek MEP.
European Commissioner, Ján Figel' responsible for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, stressed the importance of entrepreneurship in society, but also of innovation and creativity, lifelong learning and education and transfer of knowledge. Mr Figel' recalled the EU's contribution to these efforts by mobilising and promoting the value of knowledge. "Youth is our future and present. Youth is a gift and we should deal with responsibility and care for the next generation. In time of difficulties, like the crisis we are now facing, we must encourage initiative", declared Commissioner Figel'. He also announced the creation of an Erasmus Programme for young entrepreneurs.
The round tables of the conference dealt with 'junior enterprises developing Europe's competitiveness' and 'the benefits of businesses/university cooperation'.
"It is highly important for the EU's future that young persons take further initiatives and participate in economic and social life by combining theory and practice", stated Marie Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou.
For further information:
Tel: +32-2-2847447 - Fax: +32-2-2849447
E-mail: marie.panayotopoulos-cassiotou@europarl.europa.eu