15/09/2008: The draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2009 was adopted unanimously, by the 'Women's rights and gender equality committee of the European Parliament.
The adopted amendments tabled by Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou (GR, EPP-ED), refer to:
• The horizontal application to the entire PROGRESS programme (employment, social protection and social inclusion, working conditions, non-discrimination and diversity) of the principle of equality between women and men.
• The evaluation by the European Commission of the budget for human resources responsible for the evaluation of projects in the framework of the Daphne III programme (Fight against violence), in order to increase its efficiency.
• An increased use of the Structural Funds by Member States, in the framework of the European Social Fund, and a more balanced distribution of the budget lines as a means to promote equality between women and men.
Particularly concerned about the situation of children and adults suffering from 'dys' disorders and disabilities, the Greek MEP successfully maintained within the text the relevant budgetary lines for development of European policies assisting these groups, especially in view of a financial mechanism for children suffering from 'dys' disorder and disabilities, and their parents.
Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou's achievement was to usefully change the initial text in various fields such as intergenerational solidarity, men's input in the education of children, conciliation between family life and professional life and the acknowledgement of women's informal labour in view of putting forward its economic value.
The members of the women's rights committee adopted a pilot project presented by Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou. The project aims at implementing funding in order to guarantee the promotion of a better support to the educators and parents of 'dys' individuals, in respect of the principle of equality between women and men.
In that perspective, the pilot project underlines the necessity to raise awareness about the persistent inequalities between 'dys' individuals, on the discrimination towards carers and families, and the need to inform society on 'dys' problems.
Moreover, it highlights the importance of the exchange of good practices and the promotion of cooperation between organisations active in the area of 'dys' problems.
For further information:
Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou MEP
Tel: +32-2-2847447 Fax: +32-2-2849447
E-mail: marie.panayotopoulos-cassiotou@europarl.europa.eu
Notes to Editors:
The EPP-ED Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 288 Members from all 27 Member States.
The adopted amendments tabled by Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou (GR, EPP-ED), refer to:
• The horizontal application to the entire PROGRESS programme (employment, social protection and social inclusion, working conditions, non-discrimination and diversity) of the principle of equality between women and men.
• The evaluation by the European Commission of the budget for human resources responsible for the evaluation of projects in the framework of the Daphne III programme (Fight against violence), in order to increase its efficiency.
• An increased use of the Structural Funds by Member States, in the framework of the European Social Fund, and a more balanced distribution of the budget lines as a means to promote equality between women and men.
Particularly concerned about the situation of children and adults suffering from 'dys' disorders and disabilities, the Greek MEP successfully maintained within the text the relevant budgetary lines for development of European policies assisting these groups, especially in view of a financial mechanism for children suffering from 'dys' disorder and disabilities, and their parents.
Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou's achievement was to usefully change the initial text in various fields such as intergenerational solidarity, men's input in the education of children, conciliation between family life and professional life and the acknowledgement of women's informal labour in view of putting forward its economic value.
The members of the women's rights committee adopted a pilot project presented by Mrs Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou. The project aims at implementing funding in order to guarantee the promotion of a better support to the educators and parents of 'dys' individuals, in respect of the principle of equality between women and men.
In that perspective, the pilot project underlines the necessity to raise awareness about the persistent inequalities between 'dys' individuals, on the discrimination towards carers and families, and the need to inform society on 'dys' problems.
Moreover, it highlights the importance of the exchange of good practices and the promotion of cooperation between organisations active in the area of 'dys' problems.
For further information:
Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou MEP
Tel: +32-2-2847447 Fax: +32-2-2849447
E-mail: marie.panayotopoulos-cassiotou@europarl.europa.eu
Notes to Editors:
The EPP-ED Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 288 Members from all 27 Member States.