In a video message, Commissioner Vladimir Špidla (video wmv 37MB) said in particular that ‘COFACE’s role has become increasingly important in voicing the daily concerns of families in their diversity to European decision makers’.
Similarly, Director general of DG EAC, Odile Quintin (video wmv 79MB), reminded of the ‘major role’ played by COFACE and that it ‘may be proud of what it has achieved as the voice of families at EU level’. She added that families still have an important role to play in the face of major stakes ahead, such as the demographic trends and the ageing population, climate change, environmental challenges and the issue of mobility.
For Director general Robert Madelin (video wmv 23MB), COFACE represents a ‘crucial partner’ for DG Sanco, as families are among the main beneficiaries of citizen policies developed by his DG. He encourages COFACE and its member organisations to continue to coordinate their activities in particular in the fields of alcohol and nutrition, and to use new information technologies for the purpose.
For Jillian Van Turnhout (video wmv 23MB), Vice-President of the European Economic and Social Committee, COFACE’s role is essential because ‘many European policies have an impact on the daily lives of families’.
Jérôme Vignon (video wmv 9MB), Director at DG Empl, recalled that ‘in the Europe of 27, the value and dynamism of family life are widely recognized’. He also in particular expressed his confidence that COFACE ‘will continue to embody a cohesive vision of solidarity in society’ and ‘to further take on the issue of equality between women and men’.
MEP Maria Panayatopoulos-Cassiotou (video wmv 4.7MB), Chair of the Intergroup on the Protection of families and children, wished that together ‘with COFACE, family-friendly policies may continue to be implemented by the various EU institutions, thus helping to make progress on the path towards a Europe with an increased human and family dimension’.
Former Director general of DG Empl, Jean Degimbe (video wmv 8MB), recalled his first contacts with one of the founders of COFACE, Joseph Gilles, and that ‘it was under COFACE’s pressure that, in 1983, a 1st European Parliament Resolution on European Family Policy was adopted, as the first Community text in the field, thanks to which we were able to start working on the issue’.
In his welcoming speech, EESC member Luca Jahier (video mpg 13.5MB) reminded participants that ‘COFACE was as old as the EU institutions and that family organisations were therefore among the first to develop a structured European civil dialogue’. He also congratulated COFACE for ‘its tenacity and determination’ in a sector that is not of direct EU competence.
After a brief historical summary of the organisation by COFACE’s Director William Lay, a panel discussion gathered successive Presidents (Kitty Harlin , Lucien Bouis, Steen Mogens Lasson and Yves Roland-Gosselin) to evoke with the participation of the floor the major – and minor – stages of COFACE’s development. Among the hundred or so participants, several former collaborators – voluntary workers and employees – were present in the room.
Finally, in a closing keynote speech, Robert Anderson (video wmv 20MB), from the Dublin Foundation, highlighted issues that, in his opinion, would be the future priorities relating to families at EU level. They were: improved flexible work arrangements and job quality, as they impact on family life; greater involvement of men in family responsibilities, also underlining the role of grandparents; necessary development of community services and their quality, in particular childcare and out-of-school activities, as well as elderly care; affordable quality housing. Lastly, he insisted on the important role of NGOs such as COFACE as the main connections with the grass-roots citizens.
In closing the meeting, President Yves Roland-Gosselin expressed his wish for the future: ‘By endeavouring to take the family dimension into account, Europe takes a big step forward towards citizens in their daily concerns. COFACE will continue to keep a watchful eye on developments in this respect during the coming 50 years…at least!’
Download the press release: COFACE, the Voice of Families in the EU, celebrates its 50th Anniversary
Brochure: COFACE 1958-2008
Brochure: COFACE 1958-2008
You can also watch a funny video with the contributions of Vladimir Spidla, Odile Quintin, Robert Madelin, Dimitri Dimitriadis, Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Lucien Bouis, Roshan di Puppo, Bill Seary, Jacques Devillers, Marion Offrey, Gauthier Burny, the Secretariat of the Social Platform and even our neighbours!