EPP-ED Shadow Rapporteur, Marie Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou, stressed: The report gives special importance to combating violence against women and calls on the Member States and the Commission to take new adequate measures. It also considers that women's participation in decision-making at local, national and EU levels and in NGOs is insufficient and therefore asks for actions to improve the situation. The report also calls for measures to improve the situation of women in the labour market, the quality of employment, and the participation in lifelong programmes and pays special attention to disabled women, women with dependants, elderly women, minority and immigrant women.
The report draws attention to the feminisation of poverty, when women, especially elderly women and single mothers, are at risk of exclusion and poverty. Furthermore, it recognises the key role of reconciliation between work, private and family lives and asks for best practices for an effective work-life balance and greater involvement of men in family life. In this framework, the report calls on regional and local authorities to improve the quality and accessibility of child services and those responsible in companies to include workforce management plans to make it easier for employees to return to work after a career break.
Marie Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou MEP, concluded: "The Communication is quite declarative and repeats previous European engagements without real innovation. The increase of women in the labour market has not been accompanied by the expected rise in the quality of their activities. The EP calls on the Commission and the Member States to improve their access and participation, especially in sectors such as high-technology, research, science and engineering, in which they are under-represented. Appropriate measures should be undertaken in order to tackle stereotypes at all levels of education and employment. The increase of the quality of employment will be the result of lifelong learning and education programmes at every level. Social partners, civil society and media should help to raise awareness in this matter. Moreover, attention must be given to the situation of spouses helping in sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, the crafts industry, small family businesses and trade. Finally, the EP report underlines that the role of men is essential in the promotion of equality."