In this context, Marie Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou MEP (EPP-ED, Greece), Chairwoman of the Intergroup on 'Family and Protection of Childhood', asked the European Commission what is the recent state of play in this field and what other matters of crucial importance to children the Commission will promote in the near future.
The representative of the European Commission, Vice-President Jacques Barrot, gave the following answer to Mrs Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou: "The Commission Communication proposes the establishment of a Strategy aiming at efficiently promoting the rights of the child in the framework of the EU internal and external policies, supporting the efforts made by the Member States in this field (...) [ and finally] launching a consultation before the presentation of a European Strategy for the period 2010-2014. This consultation is ongoing: (...) in the fields of Justice, Liberty and Security prior to the Stockholm programme, the European forum for the rights of the child, the experts' reunion and the consultation of children to be launched in 2009. The new Strategy on the rights of the child will particularly be focused on the new priorities identifies by the EP resolution. Since the adoption of its Communication the Commission has committed itself to taken concrete measures such as legislative measures, measures of police and judicial cooperation, measures of cooperation between Member States, exchange of good practices, in view of combating any violation of children's rights. To this end, a Forum was created (...) [in order to] advice and support the Commission and other European Institutions, (...) to exchange information and good practices in matters related to the rights of the child (...) to promote the children's point of view on policies and matters which are of an interest to them. The conditions of such participation are to be determined. The Forum held on the 9th of December 2008 mainly dealt with the theme of violence and of the participation and consultation of children.
Regarding children's poverty, national action plans for social inclusion 2008-2010 have confirmed that poverty and social exclusion of children constitute more than never a concern to the great majority of Member States, but also an essential element in the framework of the Open Method of Coordination on poverty and social exclusion. Progress has been made in the field of the analysis and the statistical treatment of these questions; nevertheless, it is hard to find the necessary efforts and political engagement without which it will be very difficult to have a decisive influence on the phenomenon of poverty and social exclusion of children. (...) In this respect, the Commission wishes to reinforce the process of definition of reasonable objectives but also the establishment of monitoring and evaluation tools both at European and National level. It also considers a better way to coordinate the European process in the field of the rights of the child, but also the social inclusion process and the encouragement of the improvement of synergies at a National level between the establishment of reports on the UN Convention on the rights of the Child and the development of national action plans for social inclusion".
"In this context of generalised financial crisis which influences the daily lives of families, what matters is the rapid execution of preventive measures in order to control an unexpected extension of the multidimensional phenomenon of child poverty, and notably in the regions affected by unemployment", commented Marie Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou.
For further information:
Tel: +32-2-2847447 - Fax: +32-2-2849447
E-mail: marie.panayotopoulos-cassiotou@europarl.europa.eu